'More' is an allowable description here because there are no certain or hard and fast dividing lines that mark differences clearly for us. People are complex and varied, with values, views and convictions that overlap and often contradict one another. Thank goodness for that.
However, people who are 'most' conservative or 'most' liberal share tendencies, views, prejudices, beliefs - use whichever term you wish - that bunch together even if they are not exactly predictable. And it seems you cannot argue radicals of either persuasion out of what they believe because you cannot argue people out of what, at root, they are.
Hence the 0-0 draw in this deadly contest so far. One side base their defence on stronger immune systems and the survival of the fittest, trusting they are exempt thereby from personal harm; the other side's attack is that if those advantages are genetic and not cultural, then many among the unvaccinated must still be doomed.
We await the final result. For now, we can only be sure that conviction will lead the 'most' conservative to mostly accept their fate and that the 'most' liberal are mostly convinced they need not accept theirs.
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